Utah Foster Care

Flash Mob

Finding Joy

Every year Utah Foster Care hosts a Chalk Art Festival to raise awareness and funds for their cause.

This year’s theme was “finding joy” and we chose a dance choreography to do just that. 

We centered the experience around involving the audience and creating collective joy

We were tasked with producing a Flash Mob in less than a week. The goal was to create a joyous experience for the festival attendees, and help raise awareness for Utah Foster Care by encouraging people to scan the QR code which lead them to donation and adoption information. 

Music & Choreography 

We collaborated with DJ Rob Ferre to start a dance party and that brought lots of folks to the fountain area of Gateway mall. During the dance party we played a game where everyone would freeze then unfreeze, only we stayed frozen.

One by one, our team of 15 dancers kept freezing which caught the attention of everyone else.

Once our flash mob song played, one dancer turned into 3, which turned into 6 and so on.

The audience immediately formed a circle and cheered on the dancers bringing joy to everyone and lifting the energy of the festival to a high point. 

QR Code Awareness

Sandwich boards were placed all along the festival grounds during the chalk art competition. At the end of the Flash Mob it was all eyes on us (not to mention smiles, cheers, and clapping) which was the perfect opportunity to encourage them to scan the QR codes.

25,000 people 

$12,831 Raised

15 Flash Mobbers

100+ people inquired about adoptions

Uncapped fun, connection and joy 



Open Streets