Blindfolded Painting

Team Building Exercise

Trust & Cooperation

What happens when we take a way our main sense, can we trust others to guide us?

When two people are looking at a challenge with a different perspective, we can often miscommunicate and even disagree on the right approach.

Since we experience the world mostly through our sight, we chose to put true communication and trust to the test.


We all closed our eyes and took some grounding deep breaths. Envisioning what we wanted to paint, we communicated that to our partners and formed a strategy. Having our eyes closed while we dialogue about the end goal helped put us in the same frame of mind.

The Approach

Each group had one person that could see and one person that was blindfolded. This exercise teaches us to release control, and to think from someone else’s perspective. Meeting someone where they’re at builds a bridge of understanding and connection. 

Expectations vs Outcome

The debrief is always amazing after each round. The blindfolded person communicates what they thought they were painting compared to how it actually turned out. To hear their perspective really brings home the idea, that even when we have a game plan and we think things are going well, we can still have different very expectations.


And remember, if you’re having fun, you’re doing it right! We laughed so much during the exercise…oh and choose water based paints because you’re gonna get it on your fingers lol.
